Social Media Connections
CalCentral's social media page seeks to engage users of our site by creating status updates that would better enhance their experience. This includes updates on new functionalities and reminders of existing features. At the same time, we provide relevant content that integrates the school culture and student interest so that our users associate the campus culture with CalCentral's purpose.
Promotional Material
This brochure's purpose was to expose those who have not yet used CalCentral to gain a general overview of the benefits of CalCentral. The abilities of each section are detailed and made easy to digest. Plus, the layout changes the convention of the common 3 fold brochure by encouraging the reader to engage with the graphics.

Tabling Promotions
Throughout the semester I visit different locations with a table featuring information about CalCentral so that there is an active interpersonal engagement between CalCentral and the user base. The tables contain pins and bookmarks with the CalCentral URL, informational brochures, and some delicious candy!
Tutorial Videos
This video is an informational tutorial for users to be able to follow step-by-step and learn about this new feature that CalCentral has to offer. I wrote the script for this video so that it is clear and easy to follow. It was also made by me using Camtasia software and cross posted to our Facebook and Twitter pages.